sexta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2010

Madonna, I`m going to tell you a secret

Durante a Re-Invention Tour, Madonna fez um filme de backstage. Chama-se I`m going to tell you a secret. Ela recita esta poesia, depois de um dia cansativo de show:

I have a cage
It's called the stage
When I'm let out
I run about
And sing and dance and sweat and yell
I have so many tales to tell
I like to push things to the edge
And inch my way along the ledge
I feel like God, I feel like shit
The paradox, an even split
It's just a job, I always say
I should be grateful everyday
Sometimes I think I just can't do it
But I persist and I get through it
And I console myself each night
At least my cage is filled with light.

Adoro ler esse texto de vez em quando, porque é assim que me sinto, às vezes, depois de um lonnnngo dia de trabalho, em várias salas de aula.

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